Arachnid is one of the top brands in the dartboard industry. They started making electronic dartboards all the way back in the mid 1970’s, so Arachnid has over 40 years of experience and name recognition.
That’s important, because whenever you buy something, it should always be a solid brand that you can trust.
The Arachnid Cricket Pro 900 is a solid dartboard and you can be assured of it’s high quality and durable construction.
It’s also regulation size so it’s perfect for enthusiasts and for people looking for a fun tournament size dartboard. It’s perfect for home or to take with you to a party as well.
The Arachnid Cricket Pro is perfect for beginners because with quality comes reduced bounce outs. That means a shorter learning curve and less frustration.
Specifications For The Arachnid Cricket Pro 900
Before we dive into all of it’s specifications, let’s compare it to some other popular models of the Arachnid Cricket Pro.
- IMPROVED PLAYABILITY AND DURABILITY – This electronic dartboard boasts the NylonTough segments, which offers durability that can withstand countless games, and shows an exceptional playability by…
- COOL GAME FEATURES – Enjoy 48 games (8 new), with one-touch quick select of 301/cricket. Perfect for 8 players with 4 player score display. The dart averaging for ft01 games helps you track and…
- ADVANCED VOICE PROMPT – Featuring a state of the art voice prompt that announces the dart score and an enhanced voice record feature that is available for your use. This dart board also has an…
- VIBRANT DESIGN and COMES WITH ACCESSORIES – The board is designed in tournament spider and in trademarked tournament colors. Whats more, this package includes 6 Soft-tip darts and extra tips, AC…
- IDEAL FOR ANY HOME OR BUSINESS- The Arachnid Cricket Pro 900 provides you countless features so you can play like the Pro’s in the comfort of your own home, basement, restaurant or bar.
Dimensions and Weight
The Arachnid Cricket Pro 900 has approximate dimensions of 21x2x29 inches which is definitely reasonable for electronic dart boards.
You’ll notice that it is a bit smaller than the Cricket Pro 800 but is also a bit heavier. We can only speculate that the material is higher quality leading to heavier construction.
Target Area
This electronic dartboard has a regulation size target area of 15.5″, so it’s perfect for practice, tournaments, parties, etc. It is the same size as the board you’ll play on at any tournament, so have fun practicing on it.
Games and Variations
Between the 3 models, this is the biggest difference. The 750 has the fewest games while the Arachnid Cricket Pro 900 has the most.
There’s even a Solo feature so you can play alone against the board itself.
Heckler Feature
There are 3 levels for the heckler feature with the Arachnid Cricket Pro 900 electronic dartboard.
Some people like this but others do not. It can be fun for a few minutes, but it gets old pretty fast. Regardless, if you like this sort of thing, then it can be entertaining (especially when a lot of alcohol is involved).
It has 3 different levels with mild being the most tame and unforgiving being the most aggressive. Basically, it harasses players for bad throws and can also praise good shots and high scores.
Thankfully it can be turned on or off during the game, so if it gets annoying, just turn it off..
Dividers and Bounce Outs
Electronic dartboards and soft tip darts are fairly notorious for bounce-outs. It’s a simple fact that they will never work as well as a traditional dartboard. So, finding a good quality board that will help reduce the bounceouts is really key to enjoying your electronic dart board.
The Arachnid Cricket Pro 900 uses square hole technology. At first thought it doesn’t make sense, but when you look at it deeper it does.
As the dart enters the hole, it pushes and spreads the square hole which is smaller. This creates more friction and in essence causes the board to grip and hold the dart better. This significantly reduces bounce outs.
It also has micro segments which increases the overall area and reduces total bounce outs.
Dart Averaging
A great way to improve your game is looking at your average point per dart (PPD). Each game you strive to improve your score.
The Cricket Pro 900 helps you improve your overall scoring by doing the math for you. It will show your point per dart at the end of the match.
This feature requires absolutely no math or tracking from you, so just focus on playing your game of darts.
One of the big issues when playing with friends is when one person practices all the time and the others just play for fun. If you are a lot better than they are, then you’ll want to use the handicapping feature.
By giving one person a handicap, it levels the playing field and gives someone else a shot at coming out on top. The more enjoyable it is for everyone, the more likely you can get your friends to play!
Reasons to Get The Arachnid Cricket Pro 900 Electronic Dartboard
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Reasons to Not Get The Arachnid Cricket Pro 800 Electronic Dartboard
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Overall Thoughts
Overall it’s very durable and has some great features. It has a ton of game options as well, so this is great for both the hobbyist as well as the serious player.
It reduces bounce outs, has a ton of games, is well built, and is from a top brand. It has all the great features you’d want in your higher end electronic dartboards.
Arachnid Cricket Pro 900 Review
Overall this is a definite buy. It is high quality, loaded with features, and is great for beginners and experienced players alike. It is a bit pricier than other models, but makes up for it with size and features.